This is for the 12th time that the Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production – branch of FSAC VIM starts the organisational activities of a large-scale scientific event, which shall provide a forum to present and exchange scientific ideas, promote the wide dissemination of the most advanced agro-ecological and research concepts, solutions and experiences in production of high-quality agri-products under strict compliance with world environmental standards.
Bioeconomy, biotechnology, renewable energy sources in agro-industrial complex
Energy saving technologies, machines and equipment in agro-industrial complex
Energy saving and improving the energy efficiency in agricultural production
Energy surveys and new indicators for energy auditing
Full papers are submitted in Russian or English. Formatted in accordance with the requirements, they will be peer-reviewed and published in the scientific journals of Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM (with each paper being labelled with an Identification Number - DOI) after the payment of the registration fee.
Selected papers will be published in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases as recommended by the Scientific Committee.