Full papers to be published in the journal

“Technologies, machines and equipment for mechanised crop and livestock production”

The Editorial Board accepts for publication the articles drawn up in accordance with the following requirements.

The manuscript should be worked out as a Word document (doc, docx) on A4 format pages

with 2,0 cm all sides margins. The whole text should be written using Unicode Times New Roman with 12 pt font size, 1.15 line spacing, justified, no page numbering, no intervals between paragraphs.

The length of the article should not be less than 5 pages and would not exceed 15 pages.

The author's original article should contain:


Author (authors), institution/company, country, e-mail address

Text of the abstract (following the structure of the paper) (around 200 words)

Key words (five-ten)

Main text with the following sections – Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions


References (not less than 10) should be collected at the end of the paper in numerical order and set in the following order: author’s surname and initials, title, publication, volume, year, page range, DOI, if available. In the text, the reference is shown in square brackets [1]. References are listed in the order they are cited in the text.

Tables are in Word format; figures, pictures, etc. – in .jpeg  format. Table captions are centred over the table; captions to figures (photos, diagrams, and/or illustrations) are centred below the figure.